Our monthly theme-based program

Our congregation uses monthly themes to guide our consideration of important aspects of our lives. These themes are Touchstones* that we explore on selected Sundays and in other ways. We hope these themes will inform, challenge, and support our members and friends through our shared exploration.
Touchstones Journal, published monthly by Touchstones Consulting, is an in-depth exploration of a theme. Members can request a copy of the journal by contacting Each 8-page issue of the journal offers:
- An introduction to the theme of the month;
- A Wisdom Story for All Ages;
- A Faith & Theology article that explores the theme in-depth;
- The Family Matters section for use by parents and religious educators with materials on the theme and 1 to 2 activities to explore the theme with children;
- A Small Group Discussion Guide for adults;
- Readings from the Common Bowl (a quotation on the theme for each day of the month); and three or four other articles on the theme.
Below are the monthly themes for September 2016 through August 2017.
September 2016: Worth & Dignity
October 2016: Emotional Intelligence
November 2016: Care of the Soul
December 2016: Healing
January 2017: Courage
February 2017: Respect
March 2017: Balance
April 2017: Consolation/Desolation
May 2017: Acceptance
June 2017: Prophetic Imperative
July 2017: Circle of Life
August 2017: Ambiguity/Paradox
*In its original meaning, a touchstone was a stone that was used to test the purity of gold or silver. A touchstone has come to mean a quintessential feature. We explore these touchstone themes of our tradition to nurture us and inform our actions, to deepen our understanding and expand our vision, and to support us in leading lives of integrity and authenticity.