In our congregation, everyone is part of the choir! Pianist Ken Elias is our Music Director. If you are interested in music, contact Ken Elias at phone: (559) 561-0610 or email using our Contact Us form..
Instrumental Music
Our services are often accompanied by piano music presented by member Ken Elias. Other members sometimes provide music with Native American Flute, African Drum, guitar, or other instruments.
Our Hymnal
We regularly use the Unitarian Universalist hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition. (Popular music from a variety of other sources is also often featured.) Our hymnal contains many familiar songs and hymns, but the language has typically been modified to be inclusive to all persons. To safeguard our belief in salvation for all people – regardless of gender or race – traditional language that is exclusively masculine or racist has been replaced, so the lyrics are gender-neutral and embrace all colors. When traditional hymns are used, references to such things as the Trinity and hell-fire have been removed.
Our Hymnal also contains new music which refers to the Divine in ways often more poetic than doctrinal, including feminine imagery and non-theistic expressions of spirituality. “Spirit of Love,” “Life of Ages,” “Life of Life” – phrases such as these evoke a lively view of the great Mystery and help us to keep idolatry at bay.
The hymnal is organized according to our faith’s Seven Principles and our Six Sources, includes 415 hymns and songs and 317 readings of spiritual inspiration. Music and texts from six continents are here; words from the world’s sacred writings, words and deeds of prophetic women and men, and humanist teachings. By purpose and effect, it offers a good understanding of what Unitarian Universalism is about, and its possibilities for spiritual growth.
Additionally, the Unitarian Universalist Association recently published a new hymnal supplement, Singing the Journey (2005), which reflects the continuing evolution of Unitarian Universalism, a religious tradition “united by faith and not divided by beliefs.” This continues the emphasis from the original hymnal of incorporating songs and styles of various cultures and diverse faith traditions, including jazz, folk, pop, spirituals, chants, and rounds,
We also have a Singing Peace and Justice Songbook which features folk songs that are focused on these topics.
Our singing together celebrates our religious sensibility and appreciation for the diversity of our world.
Opening Song
Come, come, whoever you are,
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.
Ours is not caravan of despair,
Come, yet again come.
Song of Praise
From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise;
Let peace, good will on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue
(Tune: “The Doxology”: #381 in the UU hymnal,
Singing the Living Tradition)
Go Now in Peace
Go Now in Peace, go now in Peace
May the Spirit of Love surround you
Everywhere, Everywhere
You may go.
Closing Hymn and Circle – Go From Here in Peace
(To the tune of Kum Bay Yah)
Go from here in Peace, Go in Love
Go from here in Peace, Go in Love
Go from here in Peace, Go in Love
In Love, Go in Peace
Call for Musicians
We are looking for vocalists, guitar and keyboard accompaniment, percussion, and bell ringing to help make our Sunday services even better! Please let us know if you would like to share your musical talents with us!