On many Sundays, we close our service with this meal blessing:

O, Spirit of Life, bless the meal we are about to share.
May we build bonds of friendship and community.
May we feel gratitude for our good fortune of being here today.
And may our actions flow from these good thoughts and feelings to serve the common good.

From our Cooking Local Cookbook:

Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space
combine to make this food.
Numberless beings gave their lives
and labors that we may eat.
May we be nourished
that we may nourish life.


If we partake of the meal now before us
with reverent and grateful hearts,
not only will our bodies be sustained
but also our spirit.


Let the depth of our compassion
nourish all we meet
just as the bounty at this table
nourishes us.


In our highest hopes
we see that the world is
one great family:
where it is possible that none go hungry,
where it is possible that justice, love, and health abound,
where it is possible that we may
never question our oneness.


Let us savor our days
as we savor this meal.
Let us linger to enjoy
the bounty of each season.
Let us live to declare
we find life itself delicious.